Saturday, July 12, 2008

Tips For Mastering SAT Critical Reading Section

The labyrinthine halls of the texts are bedecked with silk tapestries of syntax riddled with careless sprays of comparison and sprinkled with confetti soft frostings of style. However, the granite pillars of the linguistic arts are words. Words are the source from which springs Scrabble ... and a good score on the SAT verbal. This is a shortcoming in this raucous Scrabble raconteur's ravings. Running the whole gamut of the eclectic esoteric to order, SAT vocabulary belongs to with the other Kafkaesque, phantasmagoric nightmares, such as public speaking and African killer bees. But before you stretch yourself in a straitjacket, knows that this danger, leering Leviathan of the SAT-Verbal section can be conquered!

Despite my rich, beautiful language, you can not be misled. An abundance of pomposity, postulated by a posturing panjandrum will not endearing to the reader / marker. But what you'll definitely attractive are the simple fruits of the attention. I got a 800 on my SAT Verbal, but only a 11/12 on my SAT essay. I fell into some of the pitfalls I would like to avoid, and I also followed most of the rules I have chosen to adopt for you here:

  • For one, you must neatly as possible .. . for the first sentence. Your first sentence should be a rich fabric of the logic and words that sucks the reader into the abyss of your essay.
  • Be organized and clear. An intriguing sentence in the essay must be complemented with a clear and logical train of thought. The progress of the thesis in the opening paragraph. If your essay deals with innovation not directly talk about a fictitious character. Talk about a factual nature, to his or her abstract characteristics, das sent to a fictitious character and then back to the facts.
  • Be original. Everyone has written about TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, Catcher in the Rye or Walden. Using characters from works of literary merit similar, but not so well known. I think that the book would be suited Lord of the Flies, A Clockwork Orange or a day in the life of Ivan Denisovitch. A competent writer is designed to communicate, while distinguishing itself from the motley crowd.
  • Be concise. An eight point epistle in an attempt to things with knowledge will result in a suffocating essay and a bad time. Think your essay before you write, it will result in a compact essay of about 4 or 5 points where your thoughts fully develop.
  • Reading. You'll see how words can be used in different contexts. Bring summer reading something from newspapers to high-tech magazines. You can never say maybe you're